Wednesday, October 27, 2010


So you may have noticed, or heard it said, that we are calling our unborn child Bitty Baby Gruber... aka: Bitty-G! Since we don't know the sex, or even exactly how far along, we figured a nickname was best. We're rolling with it and it seems to be popular with the family.
Speaking of 'along', we're freaking out and stoked and we can't wait for the doctor's visit!

We saw a bunch of pretty gender-neutral and all natural baby clothes on major clearance at target and almost bought stuff... also contemplated clearance diaper stockpiling.. We'll see, I guess.

Anywho, that's all for now.

- Tim

1 comment:

  1. The diaper stockpiling isn't that bad of an idea...we talked about it, but never did it...if they're on sale it's worth it!

    Am I supposed to comment on these yet? Can people find this blog through my comments?
